Few things are more frustrating than when something begins to destroy the investment you have made in your home. When you have termites, however, if you do not address the problem these minute insects can cause significant damage to even the most expensive homes. Making sure that you are working with professional pest control services, though, can help you understand all of the available termite control options.
Termites, as well as other kinds of bests and rodents, can cause significant damage to your home or business if they are not taken care of. Fortunately, exterminators are able to make sure that you understand the termite control options that are available, as well as any measures you can take to control other pests, rodents, or insects like roaches, rats, and carpenter ants.
Pest Control Solutions Can Vary Depending on What Part of the Country Where You Live
It is important to work with a local pest control service so that you can take advantage of the years of experience these professionals have. Dealing with ants in the south, for instance, where it rarely if ever freezes is very different from dealing with the same problems in the north. Consider some of these facts and figures about the various kinds of pest control solutions and the most common problems that home and business owners face:
- 20% of home owners surveyed indicated that termites were their main pest concern.
- 15% of all new homes have serious structural damages and defects, some of which may include termite damage.
- Some termite species have a queen that can lay as many as 40,000 eggs a day.
- $2 billion is spent every year in the U.S. preventing or controlling termite infestations, according to some estimates.
- 82% of U.S. homes were found to have mouse allergens, according to a national study.
- A female mouse may have five to 10 litters of usually five or six young every single year.
- Scientific research indicates that there are at least 1.5 million ants on the planet for every human being.
- Fire ants currently infest 14 states in the southern portion of America.
- Although they can survive lower temperatures with the right conditions, American roaches are more active when the temperature is 70 degrees or higher.
Every home and business owner wants to make sure that they are doing everything possible to protect their investment, in many cases this involves dealing with termites or other pest issues.